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Best free backup plugin for wordpress

Best Free Backup Plugin for wordpress 2024

Keeping your WordPress website safe shouldn’t be a gamble. Even the most cautious website owner can face unforeseen issues, from server malfunctions and security vulnerabilities to human error. A stray keystroke can introduce errors or delete valuable content. Luckily, there’s a powerful defense against these threats: free WordPress backup plugins. These plugins create a complete copy of your website, including its content, settings, and themes. With The Best free backup plugin for wordpress in place, you can restore your website to its previous state in minutes if disaster strikes, minimizing downtime and ensuring the continuity of your online presence.

In this article in RFJSEO.COM You will get a list of Best free plugin for wordpress And all about the features.

  • 1. Duplicator

Having a reliable backup system is paramount for any WordPress website owner. Unexpected events like server crashes, hacking attempts, or even accidental edits can leave your website inoperable. Duplicator, a popular free and premium WordPress plugin, emerges as a champion in this regard, offering a comprehensive solution for both backups and website migrations.

Duplicator streamlines the backup process, allowing you to create complete archives of your website with a few clicks. It encapsulates all your essential data – WordPress files, themes, plugins, and the crucial database – into a single, downloadable package. This eliminates the need for complex manual backups or cumbersome database exports.

Duplicator goes beyond simple on-demand backups. The free version allows you to schedule automated backups at regular intervals, daily, weekly, or monthly, ensuring your website is always protected. This eliminates the need to remember to manually create backups, a common pitfall for busy website owners.

Duplicator empowers you with a variety of options for storing your backups. Store them locally on your server for quick access, or leverage the security and convenience of cloud storage. The plugin integrates seamlessly with popular cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and more. This redundancy ensures your backups are safe even if your server encounters problems.

Duplicator stands out as a user-friendly and powerful solution for WordPress backups and migrations. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned website owner, Duplicator offers a comprehensive set of features to keep your website safe and secure. With its intuitive interface, flexible storage options, and seamless migration capabilities, Duplicator empowers you to take control of your website’s health and ensure its continued success.

best free backup plugin for wordpress
  • 2. Everest backup
    Everst Backup is a handy plugin for WordPress that lets you easily back up your website. Think of it like an insurance policy for your online content. There’s a free version that allows you to do quick backups whenever you want, or set them to run automatically on a schedule, like every week. These backups save everything important from your site, including files, themes, plugins, and your website’s data. Everest Backup even lets you store these backups securely in the cloud on Google Drive, so they’re safe even if something happens to your computer. You can access them from anywhere too! Upgrading to the paid version gives you even more control. You can make backups as big as you need, so your site’s ever-growing content is always protected. Plus, you can choose exactly when the backups happen, and even set them to run automatically right before you make any changes, like updating a plugin. Basically, Everest Backup makes sure your WordPress website is always safe and sound, no matter what.
best free backup plugin for wordpress
  • 3.Total Upkeep
    Worried about your WordPress website? Total Upkeep, a free plugin, acts like a backup superhero! It creates copies (backups) of everything on your site, from files to data, in case of crashes, attacks, or even typos.
  • Here’s the magic:
  • Automatic Backups: Schedule backups to run whenever you want, so you don’t have to remember.
  • Cloud Storage: Keep backups safe and sound in the cloud, even if your computer suffers.
  • Easy Restore: Made a mistake? Restore your website to a previous version in a snap!
  • Bonus Power: Total Upkeep can identify website problems before they happen!
  • Plus, you can use it to move your website to a new location with ease!
  • Total Upkeep offers a free plan with all the essentials. Upgrade for more advanced options.Keep your website safe and secure without the hassle. Total Upkeep is your friend!
best free backup plugin for wordpress 2024
  • 4. Backuply
    Backuply is a superhero for your WordPress website! Just like Superman protects the city, Backuply safeguards your website from unexpected dangers. It creates complete backups of everything on your site, including files, themes, and even your website’s content. These backups are like snapshots, capturing your website at a specific point in time. Here’s the best part: Backuply can do this automatically, so you don’t have to remember. Plus, Backuply lets you store these backups securely in popular cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox. This way, even if something happens to your computer, your website’s backups are safe and sound. If you ever need to restore your website to a previous version, Backuply makes it simple with just a few clicks. With Backuply on your side, you can rest assured your WordPress website is always protected!
best free backup plugin for wordpress
  • 5. WPvivid
    WPvivid is a helpful tool for backing up your WordPress website. Imagine it as a safety net for your online content. It lets you create complete backups of your site, including files, themes, plugins, and all your important data. The best part? wpvivid does it for free! You can choose to back up your site manually whenever you want, or set it to run automatically at regular intervals. These backups can then be stored safely in the cloud on services like Google Drive, keeping them secure even if something happens to your computer. With wpvivid, you can restore your website to a previous version in just a few clicks if needed, giving you peace of mind and keeping your website protected.
  • 6. Updraftplus
    UpdraftPlus is a popular free plugin for WordPress that helps you keep your website safe. Just like an insurance policy protects your belongings, UpdraftPlus protects your website by creating backups. These backups include all your important files, themes, plugins, and even your website’s data. UpdraftPlus lets you schedule automatic backups, so you don’t have to remember to do them yourself. You can also choose to store your backups in popular cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox, keeping them safe even if something happens to your computer. If your website ever has a problem, UpdraftPlus makes it easy to restore it from a backup in just a few clicks. With UpdraftPlus, you can relax knowing your WordPress website is always protected.
best free backup plugin for wordpress 2024
  • 7. Backup Migration
    Backup Migration is a free WordPress plugin that acts like a two-in-one tool for your website. It can create complete backups of your entire site, capturing all your files, themes, plugins, and even the database that holds your website’s content. This ensures you have a copy of everything in case of unexpected problems like server crashes or security breaches.

    Think of it as an insurance policy for your online presence!Backup Migration also comes with a handy migration feature. Imagine you decide to move your website to a new hosting provider or domain name. This plugin can help you transfer your entire website, with all its content and settings, to the new location.

    No need to worry about complicated manual processes – Backup Migration can streamline the migration for you.There’s a free limit of 2GB for backups, making it a great option for smaller websites or those just getting started. If your website is larger, you can upgrade to the premium version of Backup Migration which offers more storage space. The free version also lets you initiate backups manually whenever you want, giving you control over the backup process.
best free backup plugin for wordpress
  • 8. WP Staging
    WP Staging is a free WordPress plugin with two key features: backups and testing. It lets you create a complete copy of your website, like a snapshot in time. This backup protects your site in case of any issues. But WP Staging goes a step further. It allows you to create a “staging site” based on that backup.

    This staging site is a separate copy where you can test new features, themes, or plugins without affecting your live website. Think of it as a practice space for your website! The free version offers basic backups and lets you schedule them, so you don’t have to remember.

    There are also paid plans with more features, but the free version is a great starting point for keeping your website safe and giving you a testing ground for new ideas.
    Price Start at $7.92 per month
best free bakup plugin for wordpress
  • 9. WP Database backup
  • WP Database Backup is a free WordPress plugin that keeps your website’s content, settings, and user information safe. It works by creating backups of your website’s database, which is like the brain of your site. You can choose to back up everything or just specific parts. While it doesn’t back up files like images or themes, it’s a good option if you mainly care about your website’s content.
  • Here’s what it offers:
  • Easy setup
  • Database backups
  • Restore your website from a backup
  • Automatic backups (free version has limitations)
  • Basic email reports
  • There’s also a paid version with more features, but the free plan is a good starting point for protecting your website’s core information.
  • 10. BackWPup
  • BackWPup is a free WordPress plugin that helps you create complete backups of your website, just like a safety net for all your online content. It captures everything important, from your website’s files and themes to plugins and even the database that stores all your content and settings. This way, if something unexpected happens, like a server crash or a security issue, you have a backup copy to restore your website quickly.
  • The free version of BackWPup offers a good range of features, making it easy to use and manage your backups. It lets you schedule automatic backups, so you don’t have to remember to do them yourself. You can also get reports sent to your email to keep track of your backups.
  • However, there are some limitations to the free version. If you want to store your backups in popular cloud storage services like Google Drive or OneDrive, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid plan. Additionally, the free version doesn’t encrypt your backups, which might be important if your website handles sensitive information like user passwords.
  • Here are some key things the free version of BackWPup can do:
  • Backup everything on your website, including files, databases, themes, and plugins.
  • Schedule automatic backups for peace of mind.
  • Receive reports about your backups via email.
  • Offers different ways to initiate backups, like setting a schedule or using a URL.
  • Even with the limitations of the free version, BackWPup is a great option for many users who want to keep their website safe and secure. You can always upgrade to the paid plan later if you need more features like cloud storage and encryption.
best free backup plugin for wordpress 2024
  • 11. Solid backups
  • Solid Backups is a popular paid option for keeping your WordPress website safe. It lets you schedule automatic backups to happen daily, weekly, or monthly, ensuring your website is always protected. Here’s the best part: you can choose where to store these backups! Solid Backups works with popular cloud storage services like Google Drive (not mentioned here, but likely supported by other cloud storage providers) or Dropbox. You can even email them to yourself if you prefer.
  • Solid Backups offers its own cloud storage option called Stash, which even allows for real-time backups, keeping your website up-to-date constantly.
  • Unlike some other backup solutions, Solid Backups doesn’t charge a monthly fee. Instead, you pay a one-time fee based on the number of websites you need to backup. This can be a good deal if you manage multiple websites.
  • Here’s what you get with Solid Backups:
  • Easy scheduling: Set automatic backups to run whenever you want.
  • Multiple storage options: Choose where to store your backups, from cloud storage to your email.
  • Real-time backups with Stash: Keep your website constantly backed up (with Stash).
  • One-time fee: Pay once for the number of websites you need, not a monthly subscription.
  • Bonus features: Get access to support forums, regular updates, and some free Stash storage.
  • Manage multiple sites: Control backups for up to 10 websites from one place.
  • More than backups: Solid Backups can also copy, move, and restore your website if needed.
  • Solid Backups offers a good alternative to UpdraftPlus or VaultPress (other backup plugins) with a wider range of features and a one-time fee structure. If you’re looking for a powerful and cost-effective way to keep your WordPress website safe, Solid Backups is a solid choice (pun intended).

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FAQ about Best free backup plugin for wordpress 2024

1. Why backups?

Unexpected issues like crashes or edits can harm your website. Backups create copies for easy restoration.

2. Popular Free Plugins?

  • UpdraftPlus: Easy to use, schedules backups, cloud storage, and restoration.
  • Backup Migration: Backups and migration to new locations (free version has a 2GB limit).
  • WP Vivid: Simple backups with scheduling and cloud storage.
  • Total Upkeep: Automatic backups, cloud storage, restore options, and basic website monitoring.

3. Choosing the Right One?

  • UpdraftPlus: Great all-around option.
  • Backup Migration: Ideal if you need migration too (free version has a 2GB limit).
  • WP Vivid: Perfect for simple backups.
  • Total Upkeep: Good for automatic backups, cloud storage, and basic monitoring.

4. Limitations of Free Plans?

  • Storage limitations.
  • Cloud storage restrictions.
  • Premium features locked (encryption, real-time backups, etc.).

5. Upgrading to Paid?

Free plans are good for small websites. Paid plans offer advanced features for larger websites or those needing encryption, real-time backups, or managing multiple sites.

Why we Should Install best free backup plugin for wordpress?

Imagine your website is your online store. Just like any store, things can go wrong – a power outage, a computer crash, or even an accidental mistake while editing can cause problems.

A backup plugin for WordPress acts like an insurance policy for your online store, giving you peace of mind. It creates a complete copy of your entire website, including all your products, pictures, customer information, blog posts, articles, and even your website’s design and layout.

This way, if anything unexpected happens, you can easily restore your website from the backup and get your online store up and running again quickly. Think of it as a safety net that protects your website from unforeseen troubles, ensuring your hard work and valuable content are always safe and secure.


Imagine your website is your online store. Just like any store, things can go wrong – a power outage, a computer crash, or even an accidental mistake while editing can cause problems. A backup plugin for WordPress acts like an insurance policy for your online store, giving you peace of mind.

It creates a complete copy of your entire website, including all your products, pictures, customer information, blog posts, articles, and even your website’s design and layout.

This way, if anything unexpected happens, you can easily restore your website from the backup and get your online store up and running again quickly. Think of it as a safety net that protects your website from unforeseen troubles, ensuring your hard work and valuable content are always safe and secure.

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